Wednesday, December 30, 2009

年パスポートサービスの再会 Annual Passport Service

Starting from Monday, the 4th of January, the weekday servcie for the Enoshima Aquarium Annual Passport customers will be resuming. We have the choice of one of the following services for these customers. The first service is a 525 yen discount on our plastic frames. The second opttion is a grade up service to get a "with body" drawing for the price of a "face only" drawing.

1月4日(月)より、新江ノ島水族館内の弊社ブースにおきまして、水族館の年間パスポート所有のお客様を対象とした、平日限定のサービスが再開されます。サービス期間の終了は4月23日(金)です。カラーのカリカチュアをご注文されると、以下の二つのうち、どちらかのサービスをご利用いただけます。①プラスチックフレーム(通常税込み1575円)を1050円でご購入②「顔のみ」料金(税込み1890円)で「体つき」にグレードアップ(②の場合は、動物と一緒にお描きできます。 )

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます!!

According to the Asian calendar, 2010 is the year of the Tiger. The Japanese celebrate new years by sending their family and friends post cards decorated with tigers and other symbols of the new year.

Live Sketch

Dolphins are the most requested sea creatures at the aquarium.

There are a lot of requests for mermaids too, but I don't often get the chance to draw a merman.

As I mentioned before, babies and penguins are always a good combination.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Annual Passport service infromation 年間パスポートサービスについて

Friday the 18th of December will be the last day Caricature Japan will be offering it's weekday Annual Passport service for the rest of the year. The service will continue on Monday, January 4th, 2010.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Live Sketch

This adventurous little girl wanted to be drawn with a shark.

Babies and penguins are always a good combination.

The whole family has fun together here.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Enoshima Fantasy 江ノ島ファンタジー

From December 12th through December 27th there will be a variety of events to celebrate the tenth year of Enoshima's illumination event. There will be live music, illuminations and even fireworks.

For more details, go to the following website...

Friday, December 11, 2009

More Fish!

This week the aquarium was closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for servicing. During that time these new fish arrived. In English they are called Lionfish. In Japanese it's Minokasago (ミノカサゴ).
These little boys had their drawings done with their favorite fish.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Only 19 days until Christmas

Here are some kids getting into the Christmas spirit.

It's Break Time. 新江ノ島水族館の休館日

The Enoshima Aquarium will be closed on the 7th, 8th and 9th of December.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fish Drawing

Sometimes I just like to practice drawing fish. Working at an aquarium is the perfect place. This is a drawing of a Clown Fish. In Japanese it's pronounced Kakurekumanomi (カクレクマノミ). As you can imagine, it took a long time before I could remember how to say it. You also might recognize him as a famous movie star. ;o)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas time is here!

It's Christmas time and you can get a Christmas drawing with your favorite sea creature.

And enjoy the pretty Christmas decorations.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Live Sketch

A pretty girl with a baby fur seal.
This couple came from the Kyoto area because they liked the Hawaiian atmosphere of the Shonan.

This other fine couple came from Ebina to enjoy a day at the aquarium.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A W??

A banana...
A can of soup...
Marilyn Monroe...
What do all these things have in common? They were all famous drawings by Andy Warhol.
This is an Andy Warhol style collage that I made for fun...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

海の妖精たち Faries of the Sea

There's an event happening at the Enoshima Aquarium called "Umi no Yousei-tachi" (海の妖精たち) which means Faries of the Sea. Children can paritcipate by getting their own pair of fairy wings and magic wand. This event will be held on weekends and national holidays through December. Go to the following link for details...

I drew this little gril who was enjoying her day as a Sea Fairy...

Of course, turtles, walrus and sharks are still popular....