Saturday, November 28, 2009

Live Sketch

A pretty girl with a baby fur seal.
This couple came from the Kyoto area because they liked the Hawaiian atmosphere of the Shonan.

This other fine couple came from Ebina to enjoy a day at the aquarium.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A W??

A banana...
A can of soup...
Marilyn Monroe...
What do all these things have in common? They were all famous drawings by Andy Warhol.
This is an Andy Warhol style collage that I made for fun...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

海の妖精たち Faries of the Sea

There's an event happening at the Enoshima Aquarium called "Umi no Yousei-tachi" (海の妖精たち) which means Faries of the Sea. Children can paritcipate by getting their own pair of fairy wings and magic wand. This event will be held on weekends and national holidays through December. Go to the following link for details...

I drew this little gril who was enjoying her day as a Sea Fairy...

Of course, turtles, walrus and sharks are still popular....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

artist Pete Emslie

One artist that I admire is American illustrator and caricaturist Pete Emslie. He has done a lot of work for Disney and has an impressive portfolio of cartoon design as well. Here is his self portrait...
I've been doing some quick sketches of his works for practice...

The following link is for his blog if you want to see more of his work...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

湘南国際マラソン Shonan International Marathon

Today was the day of the Shonan International Marathon. The course came directly in front of the aquarium. These are some pictures I took of the runners this morning.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Recycling art

I know a lot of artist who like to recycle by using the backside of paper with sketches on it to make note paper. I found a handy item to organize this paper into a file book. This item is called a "lever file."
By using a spring loaded lever, a clamp will press down on the paper and hold it firmly in the file book...
Nice and neat, you're ready to make notes and sketch with the paper in a handy book form.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Drawing sea creatures. 動物を描きます。

The great thing about working at an aquarium is that I get to draw all the sea creatures I want to. Dolphins are one of my favorites.

I also draw lots of penguins.
And all kinds of fish.
I'd have to say that the dolphins are the all time favorite of the customers.

Even pink dolphins.

Sometimes we get requests for animals that don't live in the water.

Sometimes people are happy just to have their faces drawn.