Saturday, January 30, 2010

Live Sketch

Dolphins are still the most popular animal at the aquarium.

This couple were enjoying a date to the aquarium.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Japanese Figure Skater Akiko Suzuki. 鈴木明子

For those people who are not familiar with figure skating, Japan has some excellent figure skaters. Some of the most famous are Miki Ando, Mao Asada and Torino Olympic gold medal winner Shizuka Arakawa. This year Japan has some very strong competitors going to the Olympics in Vancouver. One of the skaters, Akiko Suzuki, made the Olympic team by surprise and I think many people are excited to see how well she will do in the Olympic competitions. I thought she was a interesting subject so I drew her for this pen and ink/photoshop drawing. Let's hope she does well at the Olympic games.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jellyfish anyone? クラゲいかがですか?

I think a lot of people from America would be surprised to find out that the people in Japan actually eat jellyfish. They probably wouldn't want to eat these playful critters...

Friday, January 15, 2010

土曜日限定の早割サービス始まります!Saturday Early Bird Service.

Starting from Saturday the 16th of January, Caricature Japan will be offering an Early Bird grade up service on Saturdays for the months of January and February. The offer is only from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm so get there early. With this service you can get a "with animal" drawing for the price of the "face only" drawing. A 420 yen savings per person.

Friday, January 8, 2010

More Pete Emslie Technique

Recently I've been studying the live sketch works of Pete Emslie. Here are some of my copy drawings of his work.
All of these drawings were originally black and white sketches so I had to study his studio works to get ideas for the coloring. Also after some experimentation I tried to come up with my own methods. Unfortunately, I didn't find any of his live sketches where he drew children. Since I draw mostly kids at the aquarium, I'm having a hard time relating his techniques to my work.

Here are a few of my own drawings I did after practicing his 3/4 view approach. They're not the best examples, but I'd like to come up with more original shapes. Also, I found this technique handy because it can be difficult to make small children face a certain direction, and it's easier to draw them whichever way they're looking.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Japanese comedian 芸人

I did this drawing of Japanese comedian Imoaraizaka Kakarichou (芋洗坂係長). He is know for his parodies and comical dances. I made the line work for this drawing using markers and used Photoshop for the coloring.